We Automate Your Financial Advisory

Clients complete a questionnaire and Informed Intake generates a financial report. In just 10 minutes, you refine each report, boosting its accuracy and client satisfaction.

Ready to Transform Your Financial Advisory?

No credit card required!

How it Works

  • 1- Share Form: Review, edit (if needed), and share the intake form(s) with your clients.
  • 2- Fillout & Submit: Clients fillout the forms and submit.
  • 3- Create Report: Revise the responses (if needed) and create the report.


  • Customizable Interviews: Tailor your questions to fit your needs or use our AI-generated questions for deeper insights.
  • Real-Time Analytics: View customer responses and insights in real time on your user-friendly dashboard.
  • Secure & Private: Your data and the privacy of your customers is our top priority. InformedIntake is built with leading security measures.
  • Multi-Platform Sharing: Share your interviews via link or QR code, through email, social media, or any digital platform.

Why Informed Intake?

  • Save Time: Streamline the feedback collection process.
  • Improve Customer Experience: Understand your customers better and make data-driven improvements.
  • Grow Your Business: Use insights to make strategic decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

App Reviews

Financial Advisor, Dallas, TX

"I've been using Informed Intake for a while now, and it's made a noticeable difference in my day-to-day. It streamlines collecting and assessing my clients' financial data, which used to take up a good chunk of my time. For each report that Informed Intake helps me prepare, I'm saving a couple of hours that I can now use to focus on my clients' needs more directly. It's also been a relief for my peace of mind, cutting down on the stress that comes with manual data management. Any financial advisor looking to free up some valuable time might find it as helpful as I have."

Investment Consultant, Los Angeles, CA

"Adopting Informed Intake has been a game-changer for the way I manage client interactions. What stands out to me is the flexibility of the system; I can easily customize the forms and fine-tune the analysis to match the specific needs of my clients. The ability to adjust the depth of analysis with such ease is something I didn't know I needed, but now can't do without. It's saved me invaluable time and reduced the stress that used to come with data management. If you're curious about how it might help you too, I recommend reaching out to their approachable and expert team to explore the possibilities."

Get Started Today

Join the growing number of businesses transforming their customer feedback process with Informed Intake.